One of the first things we notice in a puppy is its happy wagging tail as it runs to meet us. It truly can be love at first wag! A lot of canine communication can be through their vocal sounds, but much is through nonverbal body language. Just because we don’t speak the same language as man’s best friend it has never stopped them from becoming the greatest companion. Just like adult dogs, puppies communicate with their bodies, and recognizing their signals can help build a stronger bond. Some expressions are fairly obvious, but others may leave you confused. Here’s a breakdown of some common puppy body language cues:
What Does a Wagging Tail Mean?
Speed, position, and direction when combined all indicate different meanings for how your puppy is feeling, but a slow, steady, mid-level wag typically indicates a relaxed contentment.
- Happy and Excited: A wagging tail, especially when it’s wagging quickly, indicates that your puppy is excited and happy. A full-body wiggle often means they’re extra thrilled. A puppy in this state is ready for play, but not necessarily able to listen. It’s best to wait for that tail to stop wagging if you’re trying to train them.
- Anxiety or Uncertainty: A slow wag with the tail down can indicate that your puppy is unsure or anxious. This might happen when they meet a new person or enter an unfamiliar environment.
- Fear or Stress: When a puppy tucks their tail between their legs, it’s a sign they’re scared, anxious, or feeling submissive. They may also crouch or try to hide when they’re frightened. Additionally, this can be a sign of submission toward a more dominant dog or person.
What Does it Mean if My Puppy’s Ears Are Flat?
- Relaxed: When your puppy’s ears are in their natural, relaxed position, it means they’re calm and comfortable. This includes soft eyes with no tension around them. Laying down combined with exposing their belly can be a sign of complete trust and happiness.
- Alert: If their ears are perked up and facing forward, they’re likely curious, paying attention to something in their surroundings. Their eyes are usually wide open ready to take in as much information. It’s important to be a calm presence if they become anxious. Watch for a tense body posture. When a puppy avoids eye contact they are trying to bring calm to a situation they find uncomfortable or intense.
- Flattened: Flattened ears can indicate fear, anxiety, or aggression. If the ears are flat against the head, it might be time to give them some space. This coupled with squinting eyes shows discomfort, unease, or possibly submission- especially when combined with their tail between their legs.
What Does it Mean if My Dog Shows Their Belly?
Your puppy’s posture can communicate a lot and showing their belly can be interpreted in many different ways.
- Relaxed Stance: A relaxed dog can oftentimes expose their belly and even fall asleep in this position. If combined with a happy wagging tail they are definitely asking for some belly rubs! When a puppy is calm and at ease, they’ll have a relaxed, neutral posture. Their body will be loose.
- Play Bow: A playful stance with the front legs lowered and the back end raised is a classic puppy invitation for play. This posture shows that your puppy is feeling playful and friendly.
- Rolling Over: If your puppy shows you their belly by rolling over, it can be a sign of submission or trust. They’re saying, “I feel safe around you,” or “I’m not a threat.” If this is combined with urinating it’s purely submission. It is best not to become frustrated or their fear will build and they will continue the action frequently. It’s best to ignore and stay calm. Proper training and bonding will help them to grow out of this behavior.
- Tensed Body: A stiff, tense body can be a sign of fear, aggression, or nervousness. Pay attention to this if your puppy is facing a situation that may cause stress.
Can My Puppy Smile?
Our furry little friends do seem to smile at times and even give kisses, but these technically are not smiles. A dog’s smile is considered more of a mimicking behavior to indicate friendliness.
- Relaxed Mouth: A puppy with a relaxed, open mouth is usually calm, content, or enjoying the moment. Sometimes they may pant slightly in this state.
- Tight Lips or Snapping: If your puppy’s lips are pulled tight, especially combined with showing teeth, this is a sign of discomfort, aggression, or fear. It’s important to read this in context—if their body language is rigid, they may feel threatened. Calmly removing them to safety and not becoming anxious yourself is the best way to deal with a fearful dog. Of course, if this type of behavior persists it’s best to contact a professional trainer.
- Mouth Play: Puppies are known for playful biting or mouthing, especially when they’re teething. This is often harmless, but it’s important to redirect this behavior to avoid developing bad habits. Those little teeth are needle-sharp, so if younger kids are involved all the more reason to train them out of mouth play. Toys are especially helpful as well as providing bones to chew on for teething.
- Licking or Yawning: Licking their lips or yawning, especially when there’s no food involved, often signals anxiety, stress, or the need to calm down. While yawning does not indicate tiredness for a dog they can be contagious like they are for many humans.
Does My Puppy Know How to Shake Hands?
Oftentimes your furry little friend will raise their paw and you’ll excitedly think he already knows how to shake hands! However, this is not the case. Some breeds are more prone to this behavior and it can easily be used to train them in this trick by combining it with a command and treat.
- Pawing: If your puppy gently paws at you, they might be trying to get your attention or asking for something like play or affection. They can also do this when they are unsure of their place in the pack.
- Nuzzling: Nuzzling or nudging you with their nose is often a sign of affection. Your puppy wants to be close to you and seeks interaction. As pack animals, they will seek safety and comfort by being close to their human pack members.
- Kisses: Puppy kisses are a natural way to show love and affection or simply to gain your attention. The more this behavior is encouraged the more your puppy will indulge you. Kisses of course can also simply be out of curiosity, to taste something on your skin. It can also be a sign of anxiety and searching for stability.
By observing your puppy’s body language closely, you’ll be able to understand their emotional state and respond to their needs, whether it’s for play, comfort, or space. Puppies are constantly learning how to communicate, and as their owner, you play a huge role in interpreting their cues. If you need help in understanding your newest pack member or finding the perfect fit for your family we recommend talking to Kimberly, our preferred puppy trainer.